Search Results for: availableart

Chromed Grace

Chromed GraceGreyhound Hood Ornament, Vintage FordScratchboard (Ampersand Scratchbord™)with Watercolor5″ x 7″To zoom in on this drawing, click on the image.______________________________________| This drawing was accepted in American Women Artists’ 2020 Annual Exhibition, “Making Their Mark”. Read more here and see in-progress … Continue reading

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Heart of San Pedro

Heart of San PedroWestern Screech OwlScratchboard (Ampersand Scratchbord™)with Watercolor8″ x 8″To zoom in on this drawing, click on the image.______________________________________ Heart of San Pedro is currently available for purchase. Please contact Ann to inquire.______________________________________ This drawing was accepted in the Society … Continue reading

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“Diminutive Phoenix – Never Forget”

“Diminutive Phoenix – Never Forget” Brewer’s Blackbird on 9-11 Memorial in Baltimore, MD Scratchboard, with Watercolor, Ink, Art Markers (Ampersand Scratchbord™) 10″ x 8″ _________________________ To zoom in on this drawing, click on the image. Read the full story of … Continue reading

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“Desire” American Pit Bull Terrier Scratchboard, with Watercolor (Ampersand Scratchbordac) 5″ x 5″ _________________________ Ann created this drawing for the “Canine Collaboration at the Cafe” art show. See work in progress steps for “Desire” in the show album. The original … Continue reading

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Horned Lizard

Horned Lizard Mixed Media: Ink, Watercolor, Color Pencil (on Ampersand Aquabordac) 4″ x 4″ _________________________________ ORIGINAL available In a black, float-mount frame, without glass. The art is mounted to a 5″ x 5″ archival board painted in mottled tones of … Continue reading

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“Got Room to Run?”

“Got Room to Run?” 10-Week Old Greyhound Pup Graphite Pencil on Bristol 4″ x 4″ _________________________________ In 2007 & 2008, Ann had the wonderful opportunity to take photos of litters of greyhound pups at a rescue facility near her. See … Continue reading

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“Blue” Beagle Watercolor on Yupo, with a touch of color pencil 4″ x 4″ The original painting is framed and sale priced at $50 (originally $95). Visit Ann’s shop to purchase. Copyright 2012, Ann Ranlett searchdogs availableart Save Save

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“Cathy’s Burrito Bouquet”

“Cathy’s Burrito Bouquet” Scratchboard (Ampersand Scratchbord™) 5″ x 7″ _________________________________ To zoom in on this drawing, click on the image. Reference provided by Harold Farley. Read the story and see various stages of this drawing in Ann’s Facebook Album _________________________________ … Continue reading

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“Sleeping Patterns”

“Sleeping Patterns” – diptych on scratchboard Ampersand Scratchbord™, tinted with ink 16″ x 8″ (each half is 8″ x 8″) To zoom in on this drawing, click on either image. ____________________________________________ “Sleeping Patterns” traveled to Houston TX for the Society … Continue reading

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“Magpie” Border Collie Ink on Claybord™ (White Scratchboard) 10″ x 8″ To zoom in on this drawing, click on the image. Ann’s created this portrait of her dog with the beloved “Green Bone”. Magpie’s absolute favorite toy,A however, was a … Continue reading

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